President appoints Ms. Khadra H.Gaydh as new DG in the Ministry of Presidential Affairs


By Goth Mohamed Goth

H.E President Ahmed Mohamed Mahmoud Silanyo has today issued Presidential decree #JSL / M / XERM / 249-3757 / 012016 relieving the current Director General in the Ministry of Presidential Affairs of his duties with immediate effect and at the same time appointing a new Acting Director General.

President decree stated as follows : –

In accordance with : Article 90, paragraph 3, letter (e) of the Constitution of the Republic of Somaliland;

Having considered :The important role of Director General in the National Building process;

When he saw: The need to fill the vacant post of Director General of the Ministry of the Presidency of the Republic of Somaliland;

Having consulted: With the authorities concerned;

Having considered: Capability, knowledge and integrity to work;


After being convinced: The Appointee was fit for the job;

Has decided
Ms. Khadra Haji Ismail Younis (Khadra H.Gaydh), as from this date to be the new Director General in the Ministry of Presidential Affairs of the Republic of Somaliland.

Ref: Dismissal

To: Mr. Hassan Abdi Madar, the former Director General of the Ministry of Presidential Affairs.
I, do hereby thank you for your servitude to the nation while serving as the Director General in the Ministry of Presidential Affairs.
I, hereby decided to relieve you from you duties as the Director General in the Ministry of Presidential Affairs the Republic of Somaliland.

Therefore, I hope you shall according to norms , transfer you duties and office to Ms. Khadra Haji Ismail Younis (Khadra H.Gaydh) , in coming new Director General in the Ministry of Presidential Affairs the Republic of Somaliland.


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