The Security vigilance is stepped up country-wide, police chief assures the nation


Hargeisa (THT) The state has always prioritized the need of boosting and fortifying peace and stability in the country. To this strength has the Police Chief Brigadier General Abdillahi Fadal Iman decided to personally inspect and monitor the security situation in the city and make sure that the security personnel were vigilant. While speaking to the media on Friday Brig. Fadal reiterated his department’s zeal in making sure that security was maintained country-wide. In a special Ramadan salaams message the brigadier said, “It is a normal trend for the security to be stepped-up especially towards the end of the Holy month of Ramadan and on the eve of Idd’ul’fitr celebration”. Saying that he personally toured several areas of the city where shoppers have made a bee-hive of ac
tivities. The general greeted the Muslims, the people of SL, and especially, the members of the national police force. “As the month is in its twilight I greet the Muslim communities wherever they are, particularly Somalilanders and the police services hence wish them all the best”, he said.
He confirmed that the security status has been stepped up not only in the city but in the whole country at large. The police chief was accompanied by senior police officers and sectional commanders. It is normal that the masses flock to and throng business centers in an
ticipation of the annual Islamic celebrations whereby markets, shopping malls and streets are flooded by all sorts of people. The population of the city of Hargeisa has trebled in the past decade and a half and its infrastructure is quite burdened by both people, movable and immovable structures, vehicles etc.


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