Legislators Unanimously Approve Youthful Lawyer as Chief Justice


Joint Session of Guurti and house of representatives approve Lawyer Aden Haji Ali inset as the Somaliland Chief Justice

Hargeisa (THT) The Somaliland Judicial service is set for a new style of management and leadership thence highly anticipated apt profusion. This development follows the approval accorded by parliament to the appointment of lawyer Aden Haji Ali as the new chief justice during a joint session of the country’s two tier August house where elders from Guurti and MPs of the house of Representative debated the merits and demerits of the appointment before voting. At the session at parliament buildings in Hargeisa co-chaired by leader of Guurti Elder Suleiman
Mahmud Aden and house of representatives speaker Abdurrahman Mohamed Abdilahi ‘Irro’ , and with a quorum of 122 legislators lawyer Aden Haji received 110 yes votes for occupancy of the office of Somaliland chief justice while 10 abstained and non-voted against. The incoming chief justice was appointed on Sunday, 24 May 2015 by President Ahmed Mahmud
Silanyo a short while after firing the then incumbent Yusuf Ismail Ali. The joint session approving the new chief justice was called through a press statement released by the House of Representatives director
of communication and public relations Suleiman Abdisitar Dubad on 2nd May 2015 immediately upon the head of state submitting an executive request for such.


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