Respect our procedural rights


Whereas people have rights to agree to disagree, so to do they have rights of disagreeing to agree.

We have held the outcomes of our Guurti verdicts tenable for the past two decades whatever decisions that they have been making have always gun down well with the people, administrations of the day and at the same time whatever warning factions were at together-head.

So, too, have the same decisions, verdicts, pronouncements and judgements emanating from the same Guuurti been hailed widely by both friends and foes of Somaliland.

Now that they have just made some pronouncements as to how they have deemed it to be fit a bone of contention that threatened to tear the country apart, we do not see any sound reasons for SL to bear the brunt of IC’s wrath.

Of course SL is not a prefecture of any sort for it to be lashed out at we are a sovereign country which runs her affairs in the defacto nature that it governs herself.

We did try our best as Somalilanders to do things our way’ in our own traditional way that serves our purpose.

The country of course welcomes every sort of bilateral relations and commitments from all sectors that are in collaboration with us.

In the same spirit of bilateral relationship, what comes fore is the reciprocal respect that must be depicted, shown and induced by any visiting parties.

We expected diplomatic tones to be put into gear, but never, never, the tongue lashing we have just witnessed from the IC, unleashed on us.

It reminds us of the Hempstone times in Kenya where the US used hook and crook to impose “upcoming young Turks” over the Kenyan population.

It reminds us on the SAPs programs Moi rejected hence the IC branded him a dictator.

It reminds us of a class monitor or a school prefect who engages his/her bossy stature over fellow pupils or students.

Better, still it reminds us NOT but EVOKES colonial mentality or the white folks waving swashy wands over “black” evil folks who “are not civilized”.

Whatever the case, the language of the new cyber-age should have toned down to that of respectful diplomacy.

As for the talks of “20th May”, the THT of course welcomes it.

The President himself pledged in his fifth speech to the National Assemblies Parliament (of both houses) that he was ready for, and welcomes, dialogue between the opposition parties and the ruling one and the government.

The Guurti has expounded on their reasons for making such decision as concerns the elections.

Whatever the merits and de-merits of their verdict, the good omen is that SL survives on conciliatory dialogues; hence to this spirit has the VP announced the 20th May meeting whereby such may be pondered upon.

As for this column, we wish them all the best, but without any qualms, demand that SL must be respected for what she is.

It is our traditions that has made us reach where we are today.


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