SFG Warned Against Interfering with SL Internal Affairs


“Somaliland won’t accept any sort of interference within its boundaries. Any missteps from our neighbors will be dealt with accordingly”, the President 

“We urge the government of Somalia to refrain from commenting on issues regarding Somaliland, for it will only harm the ongoing talks”, the President 

By Goth Mohamed Goth

Somaliland Minister of Energy and Minerals Hon Hussein AbdiDualeh warned the federal government of Somalia against continued provocation and interfering in country’s internal affairs during a press conference held today in his office.

The Energy Minister responding to a press statement released by the Federal government of Somalia Ministry of Petroleum and Mining which falsely claimed that a Chinese mining company (ARC) has been involved in the illegal digging and mining for minerals in the Simodi mountain range in SomalilandsAwdal region and at the same time ordering the Chinese company to cease all operations immediately.

Hon Hussein A Dualeh said, “The Federal Government of Somalia recent activities show that they have embarked on a warpath meant to short-circuit Somaliland development, this is evident in its continuous propaganda war and the complains made to various countries regarding investment deals made foreign companies.

“We are aware that in the course of this week SFG officials had filed complaints with Chinese Embassy in Mogadishu with the aim of stopping the ongoing mining operations in the Simodi mountain range in Awdal region of Somaliland”, Hon Hussein stated.

Somaliland Energy Minister went on to say, “It has come to our attention SFG officials are using deceitful tactics and misinformation meant to hijack and stall the ongoing progress in our country  and you’re aware of the SFG preposterous claims which t asserted that ARC’s activities are not only a violation of Somali laws related to the extraction of natural resources, but also a violation of Somalia’s immigration laws, as Chinese nationals are in Somalia illegally they are conducting activities without work permits and that the Chinese company had caused “civil turmoil and tension” in its area of operation after introducing an armed militia to protect its illegally obtained mining acreage which is totally false and lacks any merit whatsoever.

Hon Hussein added, “This isn’t the first time SFG has used provocative language meant to tarnish Somaliland image neither is it the first time they have tried to undermine country’s peace, progress, stability and sovereignty.

The Energy Minister stated, “In the past SFG officials have used all possible means in their possession to dissuade foreign companies from investing in our country and also to stall the extraction of our God given natural resources. They have being writing thousands of letters to multinational companies which had 20yrs ago declared force majeure in a bid to lure them back but those companies can’t be fooled because they know who is in charge.They also have being writing to foreign nations in a bid to persuade them to return but their efforts have proved to be futile.

Hon Hussein added, “As this was not enough for them have also being writing complaints letters to the heads of four oil exploration companies which have signed oil exploration deals with the government of Somaliland with the intention of stopping exploration activities in the country.

”SFG officials after failing to succeed in that front have now resorted to undermining investment and development projects meant to improve the livelihoods of our communities this can be clearly being seen in the case of the mineral mining project in Awdal region”, he said.

Somaliland Energy Minister further elaborated on SFG officials sinister plots in which he began by saying, “Somalia has now embarked on campaign meant to stop Somaliland from extracting and utilizing its natural resources and also it’s clear they will go to any length to archive their mission even in the extended of sowing the seeds of mistrust which may result to animosity among the various communities and regions.

“It’s a high time they should know their actions are doomed to failure and no matter what they do they should be aware that we will prevail and there wicked intentions won’t affect neither influence our relations with our investment partners(Foreign companies ) in any way”, he said.

Hon Hussein A Dualeh said, “Regarding the issue of ARC, I would like to inform you that themining company has being legally operating in the country for the last two year conducting seismic studies in Awdal region and previous to that it had signed agreement with Somaliland government in which both parties agreed that if the company discovers mineral deposits the extraction process will follow and for you information that’s was two years ago most of you (Journalists) present here today were present during the signing ceremony back then.

Resident of Awdal region and Simoodi ranges welcomed the ARC, Chinese mineral mining project this was evident in the faces of the intellectuals, local elders, traditional leaders ,old and young alike during the Energy Minister visit to the area .Since then residents of the area have benefited immensely through the development projects initiated by the Chinese such as the sinking of numerous boreholes ,job opportunities the building of a 50KM gravel road all this even before any serious mineral extraction process had begun not to forget that the current government plans to allocated a percentage any future revenue to be used for development projects in the area.

Lastly the Somaliland Minister of Energy and Minerals warned SFG officials of future repercussion because the people of Somaliland won’t just stand by and watch SFG officials acting with impunity when they feel like not forgetting a developing trend by the SFG to sabotage whenever talks resume between the two countries.


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