SL-Somalia relations will never be ‘mutual estrangement’ based, don tells Mogadishu govt


By M.A. Egge

“The government of Somaliland ought to pep up its foreign policy”, advised renowned Somaliland intellectual icon Prof. Ahmed Ismael Samatar in a public lecture at the Berbera Marines Institute over the week.

The professor gave the sentiments as an ‘aside’ in an address meant to counter the Somalia government of Mogadishu who every once in a while tend to indulge in Somaliland’s internal affairs.

Prof. Samatar who had been entangled in Somalia politics for the best part of two decades and even vied for its presidency against the incumbent Hassan Sh. Mohamud before calling it quits, said; “I know President Hassan quite well who has always preferred SL/Somalia relations to be based on ‘mutual estrangement’  whereas Somaliland is a sovereign independent country”.

He further elaborated, “We are an entity (as a nation) who has our rights and aspirations hence are going for it”.

He said that Somaliland had already made their inroads in foreign lands but ought to revitalize the lobbying intensively and extensively even further for it to achieve maximum results.

The don opinioned knowledgeably that it was imperative to mobilize a strong team of lobbyists plucked from the breadth of the country’s residents -Elaayo to Lowyaddo (intellectuals)- who would forge together a strong front and keep on the spirit with a bang.

The professor who was hilariously welcomed in Berbera had his public lecture graced with the presence of the local Mayor Cll. Abdishakur Idin, the Ports authority chief Mr.  Ali Hoor-hoor, the dons of the marines institute and various eminent personalities.

Since his arrival almost a fortnight ago Prof. Samatar has taken to the daises where he had long ago made impacts. From the pasterns of educational halls, the professor has always expressed his sentiments to great minds and institutions in Africa Asia, Europe and he Americans.

He has since talked to students at Admas, Hargeisa, Amoud and various local campuses.



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