National Political Parties Representatives Meet with NEC Officials


By Goth Mohamed Goth

Members of three official national parties today for the first time meet with national electoral commission representatives (NEC)to discuss issues regarding the voters registration process and preparation for the upcoming Presidential and parliamentary elections which are due to take place this year.

Hon Boobe Yusuf Dualeh (WADDANI)who was among the officials of the three national political parties speaking to the press after moments after emerging from the closed door meeting said, “We came here today at the request of national electoral commission in order to familiarize with each other and to get to know each other on a first hand basis and afterwards we were briefed by the chairman of the electoral commission on what they have achieved since they assumed office and they also informed us of the challenges facing them such as the short timeline for preparing for the upcoming elections.

Hon JamaShabeel (KULMIYE) representing the ruling party said, “The aim of today’s meeting was to familiarize with each other and to discuss matters relating to the preparation of the upcoming electoral process that’s all for today but we hope to have similar meeting in the near future.

Hon Abdirashid Hassan Matan , the justice and welfare party(UCID) Vice Presidential favorite , “This is our first meeting with the new electoral commissioners and an opportunity for us to get to know each other , we also reiterated our committed to work together in harmony and the new commissioners also briefed us on what they achieved on their in Nairobi, Kenya.


Today’s meeting comes days after representatives of opposition parties complained of lack of any communications with the national electoral commission representatives (NEC).



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