Eeeliyo Fishermen Defend the Minister of Fisheries AgainstCorruption Accusations


Eeelaayo Fishermen cooperative has defended the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources against recent accusation made by some politicians alleging the Fisheries Minister had misappropriated donated fishing equipment meant for fishermen in based in Las Qorey.

The chairman of the fishermen cooperative Mr. Mohamed Aden Omer speaking to reporters strongly refuted the corruption accusation raised against the Fisheries Minister by Ali Barre, MP in which he was alleged that the Minister had secretly sold the fishing equipment donated to the Fishermen by the Ministry of Finance.

“We (Fishermen) received 5 Yamaha Motors and at least 10 fishing nets from the Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources which were donated by the Minister of Finance”, Mr. Mohamed stated.

Mr. Mohamed went on to say,“The Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources Hon Ali Jama Bureedis the only government officials from the region who has initiated development projects in the region.

“In the 23 years since Somaliland withdrew from the ill-fated union with Somalia, Hon Ali Jama Burred is the only politician who has done something for his constituents’ “, said the chairman of Eeliyo fishermen cooperative.

With little or no suitable infrastructure in the three major ports of the country to support commercial fishing, much is needed to be done to develop this sector so as to realize the full potential of utilizing this natural resource.

By Goth Mohamed Goth


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