By M.A. Egge
The 13th session of the council of cabinet ministers chaired by the President of the Republic of Somaliland, His Excellency Abdirahman Mohamed Abdillahi (Irro) held on Wednesday at the Presidency saw the following briefs highlighted which were on agenda.
* A general report on the country’s security situation, reported by the Minister of Interior who informed the Council that overall the country’s security is secure and calm.
• The smooth running and growth of fiscal revenue and the collection of Goods and Services Tax (GST); the Minister of Finance and Economic Development gave the Council a general report, stating that the activities are progressing well.
* A report on the inspection of the country’s prisons and the opening of Mija-Aseye prison: the Minister of Justice gave the Council a general report especially on the living conditions of prisoners and issues that need to be improved such as housing, health and education of prisoners in the country’s 14 prisons.
* Report on the status of livestock exports: The Livestock and Rural Development Minister gave the Council a general report.
* An in-depth report on the activities for which the Ministry of Communications and Technology is responsible for the nation, given by the minister. He also reported on the ongoing projects and the financial assistance it receives and the stages they are going through. He noted that the ministry is engaged in collecting, storing and protecting national data (National Data Centre).
* The Minister of Civil Aviation and Airport Development explained the Ministry’s Vision as: Somaliland Connected to the World, Economically Developing, with Airport Infrastructure and Aviation Services that are Safe, Secure and Efficient.
On the other hand, the Minister briefed the Council on the 100-day performance of the Ministry of Civil Aviation, and also submitted to the Council the Airport Strategy of the Republic of Somaliland. The Minister elaborated in depth on the 5 Pillars of the Strategy for the next 5 years that will guide the Ministry.
* The process of collecting the 100-day performance report of the Government and the coordination and compilation of data on the activities that the Ministries are participating in for the 100-day commitment of the government: was reported by the Minister of the Presidency.
• The Minister of Local Government and Urban Development shared with the cabinet the Strategic Plan for the next 5 years that the Ministry will be working on. He also recommended that projects implemented by international organizations and NGOs in electoral districts that have not been approved by the Ministry be closely monitored.
* Finally, the President of the Republic of Somaliland, His Excellency Abdirahman Mohamed Abdillahi Irro, gave the cabinet a general report on the latest efforts to pacify the Erigavo District and the Nationalization of the Civilian Forces and the El-Afweyn Peace Conference that opened on the same Wednesday at El-Afweyn.
The President expressed his gratitude to the members of the government led by the Vice President, praising the peacekeeping activities they are carrying out in Erigavo, which are nearing completion, and that the Vice President and his delegation will continue the nationalization activities in other areas planned by the government.