Ministry of Finance Introduces Simplified Tax Filing System for Somaliland Communities


By M.A. Egge

The Ministry of Finance and Economic Development has introduced a simplified automated tax filing system hence do away with backlogs.

According to a statement issued by the Ministry of Finance circulated on their Facebook page on Wednesday the 26th February, the Treasury noted that “based on the importance of implementing the Public Finance Management Reform Program (PFM), implementing the provisions of the Financial Management Law No. 75/2016 and the Electronic Collection Procedure Law No. 01/2024, and keeping in mind the need to modernize and simplify revenue collection, it has recently introduced a system to make the GR tax declaration form printable on a computer, using the Integrated Financial Management Information System (FMIS)”.

The statement added that the new system has been fully implemented in the Finance Offices of the Ministry of Commerce, and will soon be implemented in all revenue collection offices of the ministry to reduce the backlog as in previous manual system.