President Musa Bihi appeals to the nation to vote for KULMIYE party to achieve national aspirations


By M.A. Egge

The President of the Republic of Somaliland H.E. Musa Bihi Abdi made a passionate appeal to the nation on Wednesday evening asking the members of the public to re-elect him to the top-most executive office of the Presidency in the general elections due to be held this week, on Wednesday the 13th of November 2024.

In his address to the nation beamed live, the President revisited the monumental tasks whose challenges the KULMIYE administration faced and overcame over time.

Of the pros and cons, he underpinned the main hurdles having been threats and conspiracies tailored to undermine the state and nation of Somaliland in general by enemies of the country; but subsequently, he pointed out, they were overcome.

The President noted that after the long struggle for the liberation of the country after a period of 34 years, Somaliland is today a nation that most of the world acknowledged to work and deal with bilaterally.

“Somaliland has also established a democratic government that has held five successful universal suffrage elections to date, a rare feat in the Horn of Africa”, he stated.

He observed the monumental strides the government of Somaliland has similarly made in achieving practical developmental progress as far as infrastructure, education, health and associated public services are concerned.

He underpinned the fact that the main adversary to the to the essence and nationhood is the Mogadishu administration who ironically refuse to comprehend that Somaliland and Somalia were basically two different nations who once made an ill-fated union which practically got subsequently got dissolved once Somaliland opted to re-assert its original independence gained from the Great Britain 64 years ago.

He defended the KULMIYE administration while outlining its achievements over time thus justifying its caliber to warrant re-election; while at the same time hinting its leadership veterans of the struggles that liberated the nation and that the challengers had no experience in running a government at all.

The president stated the steadfastness of the KULMIYE administration in lobbying for international recognition, whose efforts he said were at an advanced stage.

He outlined various policies the party had in store if re-elected and pledged to the adherence and implementation of its programmes.