Talo-Wadaag organization’s policy is for change hence supports Abdirahman Irro for presidency, says Chair Bubaa


By M.A. Egge

The chairman of Talo-Wadaag political organization Ibrahim Mahdi Bubaa and regional Talo-Wadaag officials in Sanaag, Eergaabo city attended their political rally held at the town’s sports-ground.

It was organization last political rally to solicit for votes.

He said that his organization was in the race to become an official political party, come elections day and that their policy was to usher in political change in the country.

He stated that as in their policy pursuit for national change, Talo-wadaag is also supporting the candidature of WADDANI flag-bearer Abdirahmn Abdillahi Mohamed Irro for the presidency.

He said, “The organization’s politics is based on supporting the presidential candidate, Abdirahman Irro, unconditionally”.

He urged the residents to come out in large numbers to vote for his party touting his organization as one that is led by untarnished politicians who are not blemished at all hence are youthful and patriotic equipped with new policies ideal for the progress of the nation.