WADDANI demonstrates its clout of supporters in public arenas across the country


By M.A. Egge

The main opposition party WADDANI made its mark across the country by having thousands converge in arenas as it had its field day in campaigning and soliciting for votes in both presidential and political parties/organizations elections.

Led by its flag-bearer and presidential candidate Mr. Abdirahman Abdillahi Mohamed Irro, orange flags and placards waved by thousands with vehicles blaring horns amid music that sang support for the party were heard all over. Chants and ululations with interjected poetry was the order of the day, typical in Somaliland multi-party election campaigns in every major town or village.

He participated in the election campaign while addressing thousands of his supporters in Borama, Gebiley and Berbera town squares.

Abdirahman Irro said that the people of Borama are ready for a political change in the country and criticized the administration of the day for perpetrating suppression and intimidation, polarizing the communities through social divisions and termed its seven year rule at the helm as a period of stagnation.

Dozens of speakers at different podiums touted WADDANI as the voice and reason for change that they hoped would raise the standard of living of the populaces.

Charged, eloquent and voluble meetings could be palpated all through the towns.

In Burao the WADDANI Chairman Mr. Hirsi Ali Hassan led his party’s campaigns and pledged that they would prioritize defense of the nation and gaining recognition status for the nation if they are voted in.

With large masses gathering in Erigavo, Oodweyne, Aynaba and the rest of the urban centers.

WADDANI and UCID flag-bearing candidates, Abdirahman Irro and Feisal Ali respectively, are challenging the incumbent President Musa Bihi Abdi of KULMIYE for the top-most executive seat in the nation.

The elections scheduled to be held on 13th November 2024 are for both the presidential and political party organizations.

The Constitution requires that the top three political organizations become the official political parties in the nation for a period of three years.

Similarly, currently existing three official political parties, KULMIYE, WADDANI and UCID are being challenged by seven other political organizations, with Hilaac trying its hand in it.

Both elections are to be held simultaneously on the same day.