Chair Buuba leads Talo-Wadaag in rallying for political change in the country


By M.A. Egge

The Talo-Wadaag political organization had its field day as it flexed its muscles during the fourth day of the official campaigns across the nation soliciting votes from supporters and potential voters.

A major rally the organization held at the city’s Freedom Gardens (Beerta Horieda) saw hundreds of enthusiastic supporters waving Talowadaag flags and singing in frenzy songs of praise and support amidst deafening ululations.

While carrying placards and pictures of its chairman they chanted slogans wishing the organization success in the elections.

In his address chairman Mr. Ibrahim Mahdi Buuba spoke about the importance of the elections while saying that his organization identifies with the people who crave for change of politics in the country.

He took the opportunity to throw barbs at the three official political parties of KULMIYE, UCID and WADDANI charging that they failed in instilling the essence of political party ideals and abandoned the tasks it was meant for.

He said that after two decades it was time that new parties came to the fore and replaced them altogether.

He likewise took a swipe at the administration of the day saying that it has left a lot of negative impact upon the nation and the people during the past seven years it has been at the helm of the country’s executive structure.

He rattled feathers by decrying what he termed as the polarization of the populaces along clannish lines and portions of the regions being out of the nation’s grasp.

He lamented that the rule of law has been systematically undermined and the height of poverty has immensely risen.

A charged chair Buuba moved the crowds in attendance with a hard-hitting speech in a bid to win their support in the coming dual elections three weeks away of both the presidential and political party elections.

He profoundly thanked the residents of Togdeer, Awdal and Sanaag regions for showing strong support for the party.

Similar rallies were made by the Talowadaag organization in similar rallies across all the major cities and towns in all the regions and districts countrywide.

He touted his organization as coming in with an untainted clean bill of health that deserves being voted for.

The constitution prescribes that only three top winners get the mandate of being the official political parties to operate in the country for the next ten years.

Terming WADDANI flag-bearer and presidential candidate as his friend and ally, he urged the Talowadaag supporters to vote the former veteran parliamentary speaker for president.

Only the three present official political parties are legible for fielding presidential candidates; hus KULMIYE with the incumbent president H.E. Musa Bihi Abdi seeking re-election and Ucid’s Feisal Ali who is trying his bid for the fourth time.