NEC receives last batch of assorted elections materials


By M.A. Egge

The National Electoral Commission (NEC) has confirmed that the last batch of the requisite materials to be used in the upcoming presidential and political party elections has arrived in the country on Monday morning.

This was stated by the NEC officials at the Egal International Airport where they were at hand to receive the materials that were aboard a chartered flight. The officials were flanked by the representatives of the political parties and organizations who are participating in the elections, hence form, the electoral taskforce committee.

Ballot papers had arrived in prior on last Saturday. The latest materials comprised assortment of inks, voting seals, boxes etc.

At the reception of the materials, the task force committee welcomed the efforts of the NEC in being diligent in their duties so far and expressed their contentment with the electioneering process.

They called on the supporters of various candidates and the political institutions in the contests to maintain peaceful stability and safeguard security such that the elections may be without incidences.

On his part, NEC Commissioner Ahmed Hassan, echoed the words of the stakeholders on upholding peaceful order as he received the materials, hence confirming that the assorted materials needed has already been brought to the country.

He stated that the elections were as good as being in process and urged the populaces to exercise their political rights by conducting themselves responsibly and vote peacefully.

He cautioned the political parties and organizations’ officials to conduct themselves as per cue as the tenets of the electoral regulations demand hence avoid any vitriolic words or offensive rhetoric during the campaigns.

He urged them to foster tranquility and harmonious setting as the go about rallying for support across the country.