Hooligans defacing political posters should be nabbed, orders the President as the police force commemorate its 31st anniversary


By M.A. Egge

The President of the Republic of Somaliland H.E. Musa Bihi Abdi has ordered the police to nab and bring to book hooligans who have been defacing political posters of various political parties at a time that the elections campaign is on.

The Head of State gave the instructions as he led the nation in the event of the commemoration of the 31st anniversary since the establishment of the modern Somaliland Police Force.

The celebrations also saw the inauguration of a police hospital, various offices and a major hall being launched, and also a fueling station of the police service.

Former Vice President Hon. Abdirahman Aw Ali Farah who graced the celebration gave a detailed speech on the inception of the police department. He was the nation’s second vice president at the time.

In attendance were Attorney general Abdirahan Jama, the various service commanders, ministers, parliamentarians and heads of national parties, politicians, eminent personalities and invited guests.

Presented at the venue were various concerts, poetry and dramas that relayed and underpinned the indispensable role of the police force in society and as to how important their services are to the nation.

In his address, the President markedly underscored the importance of the role and services of the police department to the nation and their selflessness as they went about their duties.

He stated, “The massive work of the police force has been elaborated upon, especially as to their being on the standby fulltime round the clock. The essence of their duties evidently lies within the protection services of the people and their properties, just as that they provide in securing both peaceful stability and the personal rights of the people”.

He ordered for the apprehending of hooligans who go around defacing the political posters of their perceived rivals.

He pointed out that some of the hooligans have already been arrested while other culprits of the latest incidents are still at large hence should immediately be sought after.

He said that the defaced posters were for Waddani and Kaah political parties.

He urged the members of the public to conduct them-selves responsibly as the nation goes to polls in three weeks time.

He underpinned the importance of safeguarding security stability and public order terming it as a duty and responsibility incumbent upon, and required of, all citizens.

The Chief of Police MajorGeneral Mohamed Adan Saqadi congratulated and praised the police force for the progress and achievements made and realized by the force to being the formidable institution that they are today.

He noted that over time the police department has made tremendous progress in achieving advanced skills and knowledge through homegrown high standard institutions established; such that they department is self sufficient today in all applicable and appropriate basic needs that are paramount for them to go about their duties.

On his part the police chief operations commander Brigadier General Ibrahim Abdi Haji Mohamud, gave detailed elaborations on all aspects of duties they embarked on over the past year with statistics dotting his briefs of crimes indulged in, properties and associated losses, accidents and number of both casual and fatal cases, associated incidences and calamities etcetera