Political parties, organizations sign code of conduct as the nation is about to go to polls


By M.A. Egge

The National Electoral Commission brought together the official political parties and the political associations which would take part in the upcoming elections on the 13th of November 2024 to sign the code of conduct declarations as per the election regulations.

The elections will also see the nation vote for the president and vice-presidential aspirants which would be held on the same day.

The essence of the ceremony is to impart on the players to adhere to the tenets and norms of the elections as per the laid down rules and regulations such that the processes may be free, fair, without incidences hence become ultimately successful.

it puts in check unbecoming conduct that are dotted with vitriolic and offensive rhetoric that may emanate from the political campaigns.

At the meeting, the chairmen or top reps of the all the political parties and political organizations present made pledges stating to abide by the principles laid down in the code of conduct that they signed.