SOLJA urges the media fraternity to rally cohesion and solidarity


By M.A. Egge

The Somaliland Journalists’ Association, SOLJA, has called on journalists in the country to be wary of news or items that are tailored to harm the country.

A press release from the organization praised the steadfast role of journalists in protecting Somaliland’s interests, hence urging the scribes to promote cohesiveness and united solidarity amongst the people of the nation.

It is worth noting that journalists and their associations the world over tend to combine by bonding the democracies with the national interests first and make them the foremost priority.

They noted that as far as the nationhood of the country and the peoples’ aspirations are concerned, the media fraternity should take their cue and defend it to the hilt.

The organization further added that the media has come through difficult times in Somaliland and should play their part in safeguarding the essence of the country’s nationhood as expected while reporting on news soberly and per ethics.

SOLJA underpinned the fact that during the electioneering period the media fraternity’s responsibility was much more needed hence they ought to rally the nation for cohesive and harmonious setting in safeguarding peaceful stability.

The media association called on both the government and the opposition to refrain from uttering uncalled for malicious and acrimonious accusations or sentiments that would divide the people, and instead, strive towards uniting the people in defense of the nation.