Minister Ali Marehaan hails Somaliland democracy, says it has impressed friends and foes


By M. A. Egge

The Somaliland Minister of Information, Culture and National Guidance Hon. Ali Mohamed Hassan popularly known as Ali Marehaan has hailed the country’s democratization processes and practice terming it a feat that have impressed both friends and foes alike.

 The country of the nation of Somaliland has indeed practiced a vibrant democratic process at a lightning speed of time unparalleled by many a country in quite a short spell of time.

In two decades alone the country is about to hold the national presidential and political parties elections marking almost the tenth time that the nation goes to the polls, holding vibrantly free and fair elections that are awesome, something most of the developing countries have failed to do in 60 to 70 years albeit going to the polls for the umpteenth time.

The minister noted that the vibrant political aura that witnesses bold debates, freedom of speeches, expressions and press is totally unmatched in the Horn of Africa hence have had many countries captivated.

He observed that the International Community has always been closely following the democracy practiced in the nation.

He observed that the Somali communities and territories have constantly been conversing about it and are equally impressed.

On the contrary, he pointed out that foes have admired the feat in chagrin with countries like Somalia seeking to beam in Somaliland’s limelight as concerns the vibrant, free, fair and successful universal suffrage electioneering processes held, and similarly associated developmental progress cherished.

He said that the Somali nations have not done anything remotely tangible nearing such achievements realized in elections as has been done in Somaliland hence the envies.