Education ministry to review curricula in improving education quality


By M.A. Egge

The National Education Committee convened to improve education and review the country’s curriculum

 The National Education Council is out to review the national education curricula with the aim and view of raising its general and caliber.

This was revealed following a high stake meeting that brought the ministry of education, the National Examinations Council and the board itself under the chairmanship of the Education Minister Hon. Ahmed Adan Buhane

The meeting, which was convened by the board, was its thirtieth session and sought to focus on improving the quality of education in Somaliland and how to delve into the most appropriate ways and means to improve education in Somaliland.

A number of agendas related to improving the quality of education in general were discussed.

The thanked the National Education Board and the officials of the National Examinations Office for their work for the nation.

On the other hand the head of the examinations council briefed the meeting on the successful conclusion of the 2023/24 educational end year exams for both primary and secondary schools in the country.

In conclusion the meeting underscored the imperativeness of raising the quality of education in the country.