Minister Sa’ad presides bi-annual Treasury meeting


By M.A. Egge

Minister of Finance Hon. Dr. Saad Ali Shire praised the performance of the ministry’s departments in the last six months of this year, and instructed them to strive further hence fulfill their obligations to the nation.

A bi-annual treasury meeting held over the week at the General Accounts Office and the Director General of the Ministry Mr. Mohamed Hussein Osman (Mu’dainka) who was present, the directors and heads of the various departments and sections gave reports on the performance of their departments during the period January-June/2024.

This six-monthly meeting was aimed at evaluating what each department and section has done in terms of its plans, reviewing what has been done or not, the expectations, pros and cons entailed and the next steps forward in face of challenges.

The minister praised the departmental officials and the entire staffers for the effective performance of their duties.

“I am urging you to step up your efforts in the next six months such that we may fully cover the expected duties and targets set”, said the minister.

He pointed out that emphasis should be placed on accelerating the preparation of the State Budget for the following year, 2025, in accordance with the budget preparation schedule, the Budget Calendar.

He also instructed the heads of the departments and the general staff of the ministry not to get involved in political issues nor tangle in political rivalries especially in the electioneering period.

He cautioned them to be wary of anything that may cause them to neglect their national duties. In fact it is illegal for civil servants to indulge publicly in politics.

The mandate of the ministry of finance is derived from the constitution, which provides for the establishment and management of a budget suitable for the financial resources of the country, while being responsible for ensuring the smooth functioning of the financial system authorized by it, as above- sustainability and accountability of Government Institutions’ expenditures, while on the other hand it is working on an annual plan and also a Five Year Strategic Plan 2024-8 which is the road-map for earmarked activities.

Therefore, it is necessary to carry out regular self-evaluation, to ensure that the activities are going as per schedule as intended.