Territorial lands are not just dished out, says minister Saajin as he responds to Ethiopian Zeyla port desire


By M.A. Egge

The government of Somaliland has once again responded to the recent statement by Ethiopia on its desire to have Zeyla port.

Somaliland has strongly taken issue with the words attributed to Ethiopia’s premier given the manner of acquiring a port depicting that they want a maritime territory, since it is land-locked.

The Minister of Trade and Tourism of Somaliland Hon. Mohamud Hassan Saad Saajin, while speaking on this issue noted that the only thing that Somaliland will accept is an investment done on the port through laid down investiture procedures and protocols.

“A port can be invested in, international company have invested in Berbera port, and when investing in a port, it has rules and an agreement protocols and procedures,” said Minister Saajin.

On the Ethiopia sentiments he clarified, “Somaliland is not against investments made in the port, but it should be understood that the sentiments sounded by Ethiopia is the expectation of being given a territorial marine (land) port, something that is out of question since territorial lands are not dished out in such manner”.

He further pointed out that Ethiopia had already withdrawn from the Berbera port agreement in which it had a share.


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