On Tuesday, the 25th of January, Mohamed Aden Sheikh Children’s Teaching Hospital achieved one of its goals by admitting and providing treatment to more than 100,000 children; a milestone made just 10 years after opening its doors. Barwaaqo is the hospital’s 100,000th patient to be admitted to the inpatient department.” According to the Hospital’s Director Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Jiciir
According to Dr. Shukri, Barwaaqo, a 4-month-old baby girl was admitted to the hospital on January 20th after experiencing discomfort and fever.
“The healthcare personnel who work here are wonderful, caring people,” Barwaqo’s mother said.
“It is an honor to have the opportunity to contribute to the community. Our top priority is to serve the children of Somaliland and neighboring Somali communities. We have the honor of providing the best care possible to all underprivileged children at no cost. “My team and I are committed to providing the highest-quality pediatric care possible, as well as the personalized care that we know is so vital to you.” Dr. Jiciir stated
“It was an absolutely marvelous experience to see us continue to grow on both the pediatric inpatient and outpatient sides, for being able to add community-based services and to be able to provide quality care closer to home for the parents in Somaliland, which was our mission right from the beginning—to see that come to fruition and to exceed the objectives that were set up for ourselves with the team at the hospital, I am looking forward to the discharge of Ahmed, along with all of the other children who are currently receiving treatment here, to be able to go home as quickly as possible and recover,” Jiciir said.
Dr. Shukri, the medical coordinator, said that a significant number of patients come from areas other than Hargeisa, which includes all of Somaliland’s regions as far as Erigabo, Sool, Puntland, and Central South Somalia. Given that we are the region’s only public, a non-profit pediatric hospital, many patients are referred to us from other facilities.
As the MAS-CTH director, I feel extremely delighted to express my appreciation to all those who contributed to the establishment of such a significant institution that provides free, excellent care for all children in our area. I must also congratulate and thank Dr. Piero Abbruzzese for his ten-year commitment to enhancing every aspect of the hospital.
Dr. Jiciir additionally awards 10 colleagues with award winners for their outstanding performance throughout the year.