NEC kicks off the registration process for the 1-person-1-vote election that will take place in 2023


Appoints Ethics and Dispute Resolution Committee

By M.A. Egge

The Somaliland National Elections Commission (NEC) kicks off the registration process for the 1-person-1-vote election that will take place in 2023 and appointed on last week the ethics and dispute resolution committee for the electioneering processes, starting from registration of voters to the political campaigns up to the elections itself.

The Chairman of the NEC Mr. Musa Hassan Yusuf said that the nomination of the committee is based on the General Laws on Registration and Elections, Act No. 91/2020 Article 139, which states that the Election Board will issue the rules of conduct for elections and registration and the Code of Conduct.

It also covers the media’s adherence to non-partisan and unprovocative conduct all through the electioneering processes.

The appointment of the election ethics and dispute resolution committee according to the said law is supposed to be after consulting with the various stakeholders.

The NEC chief pointed out that by implementing this article, they appoint and activate the ethics and dispute resolution committee at the national level of people of integrity.

On the other hand, the chairman of the ethics committee of the National Elections Commission of Somaliland, Adan Hussein Muhammed, promised that as a committee they will guard against anything that goes against the law or the general morals and good behavior expected of Islam, regarding the upcoming activities of the National Elections Committee.

He added that they will resolve any disputes that arise during the activities, and he also appealed for concerted efforts from all quarters and stakeholders for the duties to be a success.


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