Somaliland and Ethiopia Hold Talks on Cooperation and Development of Technical Skills


THT- A delegation from Somaliland Ministry of Education are in Ethiopia on a working visit. The delegation met with several top officials of various technical universities.

The delegation and top officials of General Wingate Polytechnic Institute in Adis-ababa agreed to working together on areas of teaching technical skills.

Somaliland’s assistant minister of education Dr. Abdihakim Saeed Bustaale who led the delegates toured different sections of the technical institution to observe and evaluate the various skills taught at the University.

Some of the faculties at the technical institution are mechanical engineering, auto mechanical department, construction department, information technology, agro farming, road construction, biochemical technology and textile and garment making technology.

The Ethiopian technical university dons promised Somaliland ministry of education to disburse scholarships to needy students. They also agreed on cooperation between the countries to boost the development of technical knowledge.


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