Waaberi Chairman praised the national army’s bolstering border security


 The first political organization to elect women to its senior leadership

THT- The chairman of Waberi Political Association Mr. Abdirisaq Ataash praised the action of the national army in the eastern command who sealed off the border that the country shares with Somalia.

A message posted on the Waaberi Facebook page said that Chairman Atash congratulated the people of Bo’ame district for the welcome and support they showed by the large delegation led by the Governor of Sool, the Mayor of the Capital, the Chief of Police, the Commander of the National Army in the Eastern region, and the units of the National Army that reached the Boo’ame area.

He said to the people of Boo’ame, ‘there will be no more wasting time, Sool region rejects partitioning, Sanaag region reject it and Somaliland will not be partitioned too’.

On the other hand, the founders of the Waaberi organization held a conference and elected members who will be the Interim Leaders, namely;

Chairman Abdirisaq Ibrahim Mohamed Atash

Vice-chairman Mustapha Mohammed Kodah

Vice-chairman Omer Shu’aib Mohamed

General Secretary Salma Sheik Abdirahman

Deputy Secretary General Mustafa Mohamed Aqli

Waaberi becomes the first political organization to elect women in its senior leadership to the post of general secretary.


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