Cabinet Meeting Decides to Suspend 2022 Budget Development Projects


THT- The 93rd Session of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Somaliland chaired by the President H.E. Muse Bihi Abdi, and accompanied by the Vice President H.E. Abdirahman Abdillahi Ismail Sayli’i highlighted key issues focusing on various national issues. The cabinet also heard reports from the Ministries of Interior, Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and Religious Affairs and Endowments.

First, the National Security Council was briefed by the Minister of Interior, Hon. Mohamed Kahin Ahmed, who emphasized the security situation in the country. The Council also heard a briefing from the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Dr. Issa Keyd Mohamud, who recently traveled to the United Kingdom and France, noting that these trips were successful to the nation.

The council were updated on the unfortunate blaze of the Waheen Market by the Minister of Religion and Endowments, and Chairman of the Waheen Market Emergency and Support Committee, Sheikh Abdirizak Hussein Ali (Albani), accompanied by the Deputy Minister of Trade and Tourism, Hon. Muse Ibrahim Yusuf. He shared with the council the progress of the Waheen Market reconstruction plan and the temporary market settlement plan for people affected by the Waheen fire, which he said would begin next week.

The Council of Ministers issued a resolution, on Thursday, June 16, 2022. were as follows;

After much discussion and deliberation, the council instructed the Ministry of Interior to revise the content of the Traditional Elders Act, based on the Ministry. as per recommendations made by the Members of the Council of Ministers at recent meetings.

The Council extends to the ever-increasing cost of living and fuel, which the nation is on a par with the rest of the world, and in which each country sorting its way out. Drought is still raging in the country. The Council, therefore, decided to suspend development projects included in the 2022 Budget projections, so that emergency relief could be provided if the situation worsens.


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