Somaliland: Discussion on Association between Delayed Cesarean Section and Adverse Maternal and Newborn Outcome

Somaliland: Discussion on Association between Delayed Cesarean Section and Adverse Maternal and Newborn Outcome
Edna Adan Hospital photo courtesy

THT: Jonah Kiruja, PhD student in Care Sciences, will present and discuss the manuscript “Association between Delayed Cesarean Section and Adverse Maternal and Newborn Outcome in a National Referral Hospital in Somaliland”.

This seminar will be held in English.
Date: 9 May 2022, kl 11:00 – 12:00
Location: Jerusalem and Zoom

Title: “Association between Delayed Cesarean Section and Adverse Maternal and Newborn Outcome in a National Referral Hospital in Somaliland”

Presenter: Jonah Kiruja, PhD student in Care Sciences.

Participate via Zoom

For more information, contact



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