Kuwaiti medical team examines 600 patients in Somaliland


kuaw2Kuwaiti medical team on Friday checked 600 patients in Somaliland, , and provided medical supplies for them.The Shifaa (healing) medical team was keen to treat a large number of patients in the region as it visited patients’ houses, and paid for costs of their treatment.

The team has provided a local hospital with medicines and medical equipment for more than 300 children. Meanwhile, health minister of Somaliland Soleeban Ahmad extolled Kuwait’s humanitarian support for the region. Somaliland is a self-declared state internationally recognized as an autonomous region of Somalia For his part, Abdulmonem Tolba, head of an international hospital in Hargeisa, thanked the State of Kuwait for its key role in helping countries which are in distress. On Thursday, the team, in collaboration with Kuwait’s International Mercy Society, distributed humanitarian and food aid to a northern town in Somaliland. It doled out about two tons of rice, floor and oil to needy families.

Team’s doctors examined many cases and paid for the costs of treating them.

Different humanitarian cases in Somalia need intensifying governmental and non-governmental efforts to protect children from diseases, said Falah Al-Ajmi, a team member.


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