Edna Aden Foundation Donates essential general anaesthetic Machine to Hargeisa Hospital


vlcsnap-2017-01-21-18h12m16s124By Goth Mohamed Goth


Dr. Edan Aden on handed over essential general anesthetic machine to the Hargeisa group of Hospitals during a ceremony held on Friday.


Dr. Edan Aden speaking during the brief handing over ceremony said, “The essential general anesthetic

machine that we are handing over to the management of the Hargeisa Group of Hospitals is for use in the operation of patients, having said that, I would like to add we have also trained 21 operators from Borame and 15 other operators from the Edna Aden University Hospital who will be responsible for operating the machines.


The Director General of Hargeisa Group of Hospitals Dr. Ahmed Omer Askar, receiving the lifesaving equipment said, “I would like to thanked Dr. Edan Aden Askar for her relentless efforts in promoting and improve health care in the country.


Mr. Mohamed Jama Galaal, the Minister of State for Health speaking during the occasion said, “This is the eighth such machine that the hospital has received from the Edna Aden foundation, thanks to Dr. Edna Aden efforts.


“I would like to urge hospital staffers to handle the essential machine with care since it was expensive’’, He added.


Dr. Edna Aden earlier in the week handed similar equipment’s to public hospitals in Burao and Gabiley towns.



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