Ministry of Energy & Minerals Signs Speculative 2-D Seismic Acquisition Contract with BGP Inc


dscn2210By Goth Mohamed Goth

The Government of Somaliland and BGP Inc today entered a speculative 2-D seismic acquisition.

The Minister of Energy and Minerals Hon Hussein Abdi Du’ale and Mr. Li Weiping the vice general manager of BGP east Africa signed a speculative 2-D seismic acquisition contract at a ceremony which took place at the ministry of Energy and minerals headquarters and which now paves the way for BGP INC to explore petroleum in Somaliland.

In a press statement released by the Ministry of Energy & Minerals, Republic of Somaliland read as follows: –

Press Release

Ministry of Energy & Minerals, Republic of Somaliland

Commencement of Speculative Seismic Acquisition Survey

The Ministry of Energy and Minerals of the Republic of Somaliland is pleased to announce today that it has signed a speculative 2-D seismic acquisition contract with BGP Inc., that will be conducted in offshore blocks in several regions of Somaliland. This seismic acquisition program will be a major step forward for Somaliland towards developing its hydrocarbon resources

The seismic operations will be managed and overseen by the Ministry. It will be a Ministry run project with collaboration and support from stakeholder ministries such as the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Environment. Thus in essence this will be a government of Somaliland run project. This seismic program is the 2nd if its type, a 1st somewhat similar program was conducted in offshore Somaliland in 2008 through contracting with TGS-NOPEC. The program will be financed through multi-client data purchases by the international oil companies that are operating in Somaliland.

It will take nearly 2 ½ months for the contractor to mobilize and bring its equipment into the country and set up shop in Somaliland. In the meantime, the Ministry will conduct a thorough public awareness and community engagement campaigns to educate the Somaliland public at large and the target communities in particular about what the project entail before any work begins.

Mr. Li Weiping the vice general manager of BGP east Africa speaking during the agreement Commencement Said .“The year of 2016 is important to BGP Somaliland . now it is important moment and our pleasure to be here to sign the seismic agreement with ministry of energy and minerals . it is my honor to stand for BGP and we appreciate the chance and the trust provided by ministry of energy and minerals .

We will complete the work successfully with the help of ministry of energy and minerals and local communities we will cooperate with the ministry of energy and minerals and do our best

It is great advancement to carry out seismic survey in the oil field of Somaliland . BGP will always provide the best service to our client and help them to find oil and gas with our great efforts .

Today should be memorized in the oil history for Somaliland and BGP would be very happy to wait for the beauty with ministry of energy and minerals together

Hussein Abdi Dualeh

Minister of Energy & Minerals

Republic of Somaliland


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