The 3rd Annual Diaspora Conference concludes


IMG_5745By Goth Mohamed Goth

The Chairman of the Diaspora Agency, Mr. Abdi Abdillahi Hersi (Dayaxweerar) in his opening speech during the 2nd day of the Diaspora conference encouraged active participation and interaction of the participants to contribute to the intended goals and objectives of the conference.

The Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Trade & Investment, Fishery, National Planning & Development, Directors General in the Ministry of Livestock were among present at the conference on the second day. The Ministers gave speeches relevant to the event and answered several questions raised by the Diaspora participants. The Diaspora members asked the ministers key issues affecting the Diaspora engagement agenda and about the challenges they meet in investing home, getting services from the government, justice etc.  more interaction and exhibitions within the participants and of the entrepreneurs were made.

The IGAD delegation led by Dr. Ahmed Hassan Ahmed IGAD Health Coordinator and Dr. Girum Hailu Maheteme, Senior Advisor of IGAD in the Health and Social Development made their second presentation which more interested the participants.

Dr. Girum Hailu Maheteme , senior advisor to IGAD on Health and Social Development  presented the session on  Engagement of Diaspora in developing homeland, the best practices, IGAD’s agenda and strategies in developing the Diaspora engagement and migration development which IGAD in joint partnership and cooperation with the African Diaspora Policy Centre (ADPC) is focusing to meet the needs and priorities of the countries in the region in the Diaspora sector and migration issues and to enhance the capacities of the Diaspora-oriented institutions. Their joint partnership will include to support member states in the areas of provision of technical and capacity building support, knowledge management, facilitating Diaspora consultation forum, trainings on Diaspora-homeland partnerships.

Dr. Girum noted that the SL Diaspora Agency and MOFA invite IGAD to this conference at recent consultative meeting jointly held by IGAD which SLDA CEO attended in Addis Ababa.  Some of the participants asked questions to IGAD and Dr. Girum answered. The IGAD delegate pointed out their participation as good beginning of cooperation between Somaliland and IGAD.

It is worthy of mention that one of the conference participant who goes by the name of Ms. Qaali Ismail Yusuf, owner of WORTDO NGO presents made locally manufactured cloths to the IGAD delegation and the Somaliland Minister of Foreign Affairs at the closure.

The key topics presented included the role of the Diaspora as a catalyst to International development delivered by a representative of EU, tourism opportunities, services and challenges, utilizing the Diaspora in educational development, Somaliland Investment Environment by the Minister of Trade & Investment, Mr. Hussein Deyr, Role of Diaspora in foreign policy & strengthening cooperation presented  a professional educator and who represented Somaliland Society in Europe in the event, Mr. Eid Ali Salaan, roadmap on Diaspora engagement, lessons learnt and other topics delivered by participants from different Diaspora communities and organizations.

The Executive Director of Somaliland Diaspora Agency, Mr. Hassan Ahmed Yusuf highlighted the outcome and recommendations of the participants towards the proposed marking the National Diaspora Homecoming Event, SL MOFA Minister will submit the proposal to H.E President of Somaliland to officially announce this event. Mr. Yusuf also said that the Diaspora Agency is going to finalize the National Diaspora Policy and so needs more contribution from the Diaspora professionals to assist in developing this policy including a comprehensive Diaspora Guide for Somaliland.


The Chairman of the Diaspora Agency, Mr. Abdi Abdillahi Hersi (Dayaxweerar) thanked the Diaspora participants, entrepreneurs, educationalists and the national and international development partners as well as the IGAD delegation for their participation in the 3rd Annual Diaspora Conference of Somaliland. The Chairman added that declarations of the conference will be prepared, posted in websites and electronically submitted to all participants attended and then welcomed M0FA Minister, Dr. Saad Ali Shire for the closing remarks.

Dr. Saad Ali Shire, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in closing speech highlighted the significance and contribution of the Diaspora to the socioeconomic, investment, political and national development of the state and that they are important resources of both wealthy and knowledge.



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