President reiterates bolstering of SL-Ethio ties


DSC_0049He directs SL officials to facilitate agreements of the multi-lateral ties

By: M A Egge

The President H.E. Ahmed Mohammed Mohamud Silanyo underscored the historical bilateral ties SL has had with its Ethiopian neighbor hence reiterated the country’s steadfastness in seeing to it that the same is upheld.

The Head of State gave the sentiments during a meeting he had with visiting Ethiopian delegation of ministers and senior government officials at the State House yesterday.

At the same time the Ethiopian government have pledged her support in stepping up the bilateral ties and similarly promised  to delve into misdemeanors reportedly perpetrated by the Ethiopian Liyuu Police of the Somali Administration of Zone 5 at Balidig inside Somaliland territory over the week.

According to a press release from the Presidency signed by the Presidential Spokesman Abdirahman Sheikh Elmi Fahiye the President welcomed the Ethiopian delegation led by Regasa Kefalew who is the state minister for foreign affairs.

Others were:-

  • Gebre Egzabher, state minister for Agriculture, livestock and Natural resources.
  • Ambassador Suleiman Dedefo,, Director General, IGAD and Neighboring countries
  • Berhe Tesfay, Consular General, Ethiopian Councilor Office, Somaliland
  • Mekonen Gossaye, Deputy Chief of Cabinet, Foreign Affairs office.
  • Roba Megeresan, Deputy Director, maritime Authority
  • Cherkos Techane, Director Customs
  • Besfat Gashow, Legal Officer (Foreign Affairs)
  • Ageze Amelo, Counselor- Political and Economic Affairs

The president said that he was informed of the purpose of the Ethiopian delegation’s visit hence underpinned the fact that the SL government was steadfast in upholding the security, commercial and associated bilateral  relations their with her neighbor.

He recalled the brethren-ship bond that both countries cherished hence reminded them SL’s gratefulness when Ethiopia accorded her population refuge when the former Somalia regime of Siad Barre perpetrated persecution.

The President ordered SL officials to continue her part of the bargain by adhering to the multi-lateral agreements made on bilateral relations between the two countries.

While the President respected Ethiopian sovereignty over her territory, he called for the delving into the incident whereby scores of people were massacred at Jama Dubbed whereby assumed perpetrators killed unarmed children, women and old people who were reportedly in a mosque.

At the same time he registered his worry hence demanded the investigation of reported incidence of Liyuu Police (Ethiopian DDSI security personnel) crossed the border into Somaliland and harassed the residents of Ballidig.

The President also touched on the state’s agreement of solicit DP world’s investiture of Berbera harbor.

He said that the move depicted the country’s steadfastness in propping up factors of economic growth that was to be tapped for the benefit of both the peoples of SL and Ethiopia.

He said that the brotherly bond and bilateral relations was important for the prosperity of both nations and her people.

On his part, Mr. Regasa who was visibly peturbated and angered by the Jama Dubbed and Balidig incidences pledged to have them investigated thouroughly and have the perpetrators held accountable.

He said the bilateral agreements between the two countries have had some being completed while others were to be swiftly addressed.

The President sent messages of greetings to the Ethiopian Premier and her people as a whole.

The President was flanked by FM Hon. Dr. Sa’ad Ali Shire, Commerce Minister Hon. Hussein A. Egge, Planning Minister Hon. Ali H. Ismael, Presidency Minister HON. Mohammud H. Abdi, Livestock Development Minister Hon. Abdillahi M. Dahir, Finance Minister Hon. Zamzam Abdi, Information Minister Hon. Osman A. Sahardid, Public Works Minister Hon. Ali Hassan Mohammed and Presidential Private Secretary Ali Ahmed.


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