Presidency Honors Communications Graduates


1Hargeisa – The Presidency of Somaliland on Tuesday honoured some 40 government  employees who successfully completed a two-day training course with aim of forging “One Somaliland government, One Voice.”


“It is vital that the government strengthens communication internally and with the people it serves to create a stronger, more open and united society,” Ahmed Guled, Director of the Presidential Communications Hub, said at the awards ceremony.


The participants came from all sections of government ministries and agencies to discuss ways of improving communication with each other to better inform the government, the Presidency, and the people of Somaliland.


“It was uplifting to work with so many young people committed to improving communications as a tool for change. Information is a key to building better governance and better societies,” said Andy Hill, trainer for the Adam Smith International (ASI).


A four-man ASI team has been working in Somaliland since last November to help improve internal communications in the government and also its communications with the media to improve the flow of information between the people and the government.


The team has worked with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Interior Ministry, Ministry of Planning and the Ministry of Defence as well as holding a separate to-day workshop for the communications staff at the Presidency.


Training was also provided for the country’s overseas representatives when they attended a workshop at the Maansoor Hotel in December.


It is expected that the ASI team will return at a later date to continue its work, which is funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the British Government.






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