State warns oppositionists not to infringe security laws


There is no clause that caters for government of national unity, Waran’ade reminds them

By M.A. Egge

Hargeisa (THT) The opposition members do not acknowledge procedural governance and can eagerly seek power at the expense of peaceful security and stability.

These sentiments by the Interior Minister Hon. Ali Mohammed Waran-adde generally summed up the confusion the opposition party chiefs are stirring to reader procedures asunder.

“As far as the state is concerned it has put all the necessary organs in place to facilitate the holding of the general elections in 2015”, said the minister.

He elaborated on the fact that the budgetary needs incumbent upon the government to disburse for the electioneering process is already catered for hence included in the current annual budget.

He reiterated the fact the legislature is an important legal arm of state hence is supposed to be in place justifiably as according to the statutory books.

He said that was how they came into place in the first instance and that according to the new constitution on the subject they put in place, the law has got to be adhered to and procedures should be followed to the letter.

He warned that the state is fully in place and there was no way that chaos would be allowed to set in.

“I categorically caution the opposition members to adhere to stipulated rules hence they should know that there is no clause that caters for government of national unity”, said the minister.

He was giving the rejoinder to the recent calls by opposition chiefs that a national unity government should be put in place when the tenure of the government of the day expires in June.

He reminded them that they have been in the assembly for a whole decade and that they should have taken the necessary steps before-hand.

He averred that if time lapse occurred it was one of their own making.

“The populace would not be surprised but they (oppositionists) are the ones who would be shocked”’ he said.

On the other hand the minister explained that the registration of the electorate have not been commenced as scheduled because of technicalities on the part of the institution that was awarded with the tender.

He lamented that, “the company given the rights is entangled in a legal matter hence have subjected the schedule to a set-back”.

He appealed to both local and international bodies who are stake holders in this case to do everything possible for the commencement of the exercise as soon as possible.

He made it clear that he was not a member of Wadani as per rumours but was indeed that of the ruling party,  KULMIYE.


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