Yes, The President is quite right


Yes, The President is quite right

  • Progress can only be formulated, nurtured, developed

 and sustained through togetherness

  • A palm can never clap in solitude
  • More and closer rapport needed

The main message the President is trying to impact to Somalilanders as he criss-crosses the regions in a hectic schedule holds a lot of water.

True to the fact, no advanced nor any other country, could make any ample step towards development unless the people and their governments joined forces together for their objectives were generally one and the same.

In the same spirit do we believe that the Swahili adage held that no single thumb (read thumbnail) could crush (single handedly) a louse-especially while it is in its burrow. So too do the Arab proverb go; one hand cannot clap singularly (alone) in solo.

In the same breath, therefore, what the President was trying to put across is exactly the same thing; that all prosperities are formulated, nurtured, developed and sustained through togetherness.

So, too, does stability, peace security etc can be ever maintained and preserved-only through joint ventures.

We, on the other hand, hail the President in releasing the Borama councilors and we hope that the gesture will help mend political fences from as bottom as at grassroots level.

We likewise hope that the current Presidential up-country tour will help usher in more development and harmony at all levels of the society.

The leaders, however starting from the councils of the ministers, traditional leaders, the national assemblies, the members of the clergy up to senior officials from both public and private sectors should surely do more than as now perceived and witnessed.

These groups of individual who should otherwise hold eminence within the society should have been doing what the President is doing. Better and closer rapport between the people and the state should help bond them together hence boost their capabilities and capacities to fledge.

Instead, we sadly see some who are working in the opposite direction and putting in a wedge between the two! This is something that should not only be decried but totally shunned altogether.

The so called leaders, especially the folks in the August House have failed their constituents to an almost miserable level.

History will not only judge them harshly, but us too, for not putting the check on them.

Meanwhile as we appreciate the Sonsaf position paper on registration of persons and electoral issues, we frown in serious consternation as to what criterion it used to hand-pick the stakeholders who signed the paper.

Quite starkly did the ominous absence of a major stakeholder’s absence appear from the signatories’ list.

The Fourth Estate had no representation at all; not even as a meager observer! Worse of all, a major edict was directed at them in the report! Are they to read these in the press?

Solja (and/or other media foray) at least needs a response as the main representative of the media industry.

Lastly we join the nation to solemnly mourn the just departed mega musician the late Mohammed Ahmed Kulo’ – (May Allah rest his soul in Eternal Peace) – Ameen.


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