Timing of the rumours is in bad faith


As far as we are concerned, the Head of State is right now away from the country hence busy trying to sell favourably the country to the world, with this time round, the highest of expectations coming in from the commercial world of investments.

With this agenda top in his mind and with all the support he needs, it is incumbent upon us to underscore what the country has so far achieved, how upright we stand up today from the shambles of ruins, and how high we are holding our heads in search of a far sighted concrete future.

To choose such a time and peddle rumours that the President is stepping down, we believe, is something tailored to undercut and short-circuit our aspirations.

We are quite aghast at fathoming the repercussions of these rumours which has been worded as “normal news” whereas they never held the slightest notion of credence, and as such they must be swiftly rebuffed.

To claim that the President has directed the Kulmiye machinery to look for “another aspirant” is quite impish given that he has not yet met with his own party’s topmost supreme committee.

Scrabbling for the sake of shopping around for some non-sensical and flimsy reasons to jam the political tempo in the country is more than being impish.

Despite the fact that we know and respect the right of the President either to with draw his candidature or defend his seat, we believed that the President would not shy away from his feelings.

As pragmatic a leader as he is, he went public saying that he would defend his seat.

Now that he is riding high in his political life, we take it quite seriously that the said story was not in good taste for the country’s palatability, given the timing.

If anything it is meant to make potential investors wary, something that Somalilanders cannot take.

We assure our readers and partners of SL, including potential investors that the country is quite stable with quite a seasoned veteran leader at the helm.

As Somaliland does its investment promotion presentation this week in London, we call upon all industrious institutions and countries for that matter to closely follow and see what we have to offer.

We maintain that the minor report was made to countermand this progress and was not made in good faith.

We hope and believe that those mentioned in the story will come out candidly to dispel the rumours.

Again, we maintain, the story’s unfortunate timing was in bad faith.



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