Somaliland: Building Resilience to Water Stress ’ Resources Management and Investment Project

Somaliland: Building Resilience to Water Stress

THT: In November 2014- The Government of Somaliland received a €3-million grant to support a project designed to build resilience to climate change and reduce water stress in the country.
Titled Building Resilience to Water Stress in Somaliland’ the Water Resources Management and Investment is financed by the African Development Bank Group-.Group-.ADB
It is implemented by the Bank’s African Water Facility- AWF which is tasked with availing grants and expert technical assistance to implement innovative water projects and raise investment for water projects throughout Africa.
This is a AWF project implementation and Progress report that reads
The AWF grant supported the preparation of a water resources management and investment plan.
The facility also support the preparation of bankable projects to attract investments in multipurpose water uses, integrated water supply for rural population and livestock, rural sanitation and hygiene, urban water supply and sanitation, small scale high value irrigated crop production and disaster mitigation.
Around 3.5 million rural and urban people stand to benefit from the project, as well as 2 million nomadic pastoralists and their 18-20 million livestock.
The Somaliland National Integrated Water Resource Management and Investment Plan was developed to provide a long-term plan addressing supply bottleneck.
The project that focuses on the potential management and development of ground water resources, and suggests locations for supplementary, large-scale surface water reservoirs, is financed by the African Development Bank Group-ADB as part of interventions in Somalia
“The plan spans for a period of 30 years in ten years interval short, medium-and long-term planning horizons with priority projects and investment strategy are developed for mobilizing the required resources vis-a-vis the national priority and investment need.
The plan is therefore considered highly relevant to Somaliland’s Development Objectives.
It is well aligned with Pillar 4 of Somaliland’s National Development Plan, which seek revitalise infrastructure and infrastructural services, ensure availability of clean drinking water, and improve resilience and sustainable management of natural resources.
The project also relates to the strategic priority of enhanced Water Governance, through its focus on sector support, and promotes Water Knowledge through development of water resources information and knowledge framework, and various project learning activities.
Lastly the project is well aligned with the Africa Development Bank’s High 5 priorities specifically, improving the quality of lives of Africans through the development of a framework that would guide universal access to water supply, and ensure water security.
The development objective contributes to achieving climate resilient economic growth and poverty reduction in Somaliland thereby resulting in better living conditions of the target population, with improved health, reduced flood and drought risks, and increased food and energy security.
The relevance of the project development objective was therefore high relevant.
Project savings amounting to €55,197 have been re-allocated to procure COVID-19 WASH Supplies to Somaliland’s most needy regions of Togdheer and Awdal specifically Borama district.
The items to be procured and supplied include hand washing soap, hand-Sanitizer, 20ltrs Water Storage Jerricans and Aqua Tabs.
The procurement process is concluded. The Ministry of Water Development is awaiting delivery and supply
The average IP rating is 3, hence Satisfactory.On execution and financing the implementation progress is on track.
The four main project components of are
a) Preparation of an Integrated Water Resources
Management plan,
b) Preparation of an investment plan comprising projects and programmes,
c) Provision of sector support and capacity building, and
e) Project management have progressed well and have been completed to the expected standards.
What remains is mobilizing resources for the plan
Given that the DO was rated as satisfactory,the project is categorized Non Problematic project (NPPP).The EA needs to continue efforts towards mobilizing resources for the implementation of the National Integrated Water Resources in Somaliland
Read the full report HERE



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