Somaliland: Let’s Desist from Inconsequential Talk- Minister Kahin


THT: Lose talk directed to the public can be very harmful to a nation especially during times of calamities.
The sentiments by the Somaliland interior minister Mohamed Kahin Ahmed were made during an operation to clean up debris from the fire gutted Waheen Market in Hargeisa.
“when national leaders engage in controversial utterances it always leads to harmful reaction from the targeted audience” said the security minister
Stressing that national disasters should be responded to in a positive and united manner Kahin went on to castigate some people who are engaged in manoeuvres geared towards a successful rehabilitation of the Waheen market.
The sprawling market which housed 40% of the Somaliland capital’s economy and employer to thousands was gutted down earlier in the month , with assorted goods worth $2b reported to have been destroyed.
The government has established a reconstruction taskforce and appealed for donations that are trickling down from various friendly countries, organizations and individuals.
Latest was the UN which just dispatched a team of technical expertise to assist the task force especially on matters related to environment, socioeconomic, and urban planning, among others

Somaliland: Some of Us are now Solely Engaged in Non Constructive Criticism- Minister Kahin
Members of Waheen market taskforce established by president Muse Bihi

According to the minster the concerted local and international efforts to rehabilitated the market and more so Avail emergency relief to the affected thousands of small market entrepreneurs, are at risk of derailment if lose tongues prevail.
Since President Muse Bihi established the market recovery Committee which is composed of government officials and local merchants, opposition political parties have decried its composition.
According to the Parties the recovery of the market is preserve of the Hargeisa local authorities thus usurpation by the central government .
While not mentioning names the minister was reacting to this assertions urged the setting aside of political differences and opinions for the common good.
Said he, “In times of crisis unity is the only alternative to a successful outcome” adding that the administration of President Muse Bihi is committed and determined towards resolving problems emanating from the Waheen market destruction.

Somaliland: Some of Us are now Solely Engaged in Non Constructive Criticism- Minister Kahin
Mayor Abdikarim Mooge leads leads Hargeisa Municipality’sWaheen market cleanup activities

In conclusion interior minister Mohamed Kahin urged the local media not to spread inflammatory and inappropriate reports for being the country’s fourth estate they wield alot of power which if used wrongly could lead to  harm.


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