Somaliland Foreign Minister and Diaspora in Europe Virtual Meet


THT: Somaliland’s self-determination is an untouchable public decision, thence the importance citizens, annually attach to the May 18th Independence date.
And to support the country’s 3 decades quest for International recognition as a sovereign nation, her economic growth the Somaliland diaspora prevalent in the five continents is Pivotal.
The urging came from the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Dr Essa Kayd during a virtual meet with members of the Somaliland diaspora in Europe.
In the maiden cum information exchange encounter the FM briefed the diaspora on general status back home, more so on the impact of the fire gutted Waheen Market in Hargeisa, its International supported recovery efforts, 18th May independence day anniversary 2022 as well as recognition quest.
Participants were pooled from the Somaliland Societies In Europe-SSE (Umbrell ) and chairs of individual European countries Somaliland Diaspora organizations.

The SSE briefed the minister on its continental activities while the chairs did the same for as per status of the Somaliland diaspora in their respective European countries.
On the quest for the international recognition of Somaliland as a sovereign nation, Dr Kayd said the diaspora was Pivotal as they had access to all the corridors of power not only on Europe but all over the world.
Pointing out the Waheen market fire though disastrous the huge responses from foreign governments and organizations is proof of the growing international status of Somaliland.
“This stature can be exemplified by the visit of president Muse Bihi to the US which ensued with members of congress(Senate & House of Representatives) calling for an expedited and drastic about turn , in the manner in which the Biden administration engages with Somaliland”
During the ten days visit president Bihi addressed his country’s quest for recognition at distinguished institutions, parleyed state Department, ranking bipartisan senators and representatives as well as the Somaliland diaspora in the Americas.
“Am sure that you are aware that a bill was tabled in which the legislators want an enhanced and direct engagement between the US government and Somaliland” said the FM
The bill’s debate will start immediately the secretaries of State and defence and USAID submit their assessment reports.

Somaliland citizen celebrate 18th May anniversary of withdrawal from Union with Somalia

The foreign policy chief from Hargeisa who ardently believes in the diaspora as the main Somaliland diplomatic corps went on to stress on the importance of sustaining the momentum garnered during the President Bihi Washington sojourn.
Touching on the round the corner 18th May 2022 the country’s 31st Independence anniversary day, Dr Essa Kayd said a greater visibility in all the world’s cities would greatly help sustain the Washington DC momentum.
Said he, “while acknowledging your past independence day commemorations, it is now more imperative that your escalate activities in your respective adoptive countries “
Stressing that it was an onerous task the diaspora was reminded on the possibilities existing for more engagement with various governments but citizens of their adopted countries.
Affirming that Somaliland has seen a rapid multi-sectored development courtesy of her sons and daughters abroad , the Minister urged intensification and Continuity of this Diaspora intervention.
“your investment has and continues to contribute to the economic growth and development of Somaliland and for this your motherland remains indebted”
Reiterating the need for contributions towards the Waheen market recovery kitty, the Somaliland foreign minister Dr Essa Kayd Mahmud concluded by promising his and ministry’s availability in future meetings of the like.
All the Speakers were unanimous in their commitment towards Waheen market recovery, broadened 18th May anniversary commemorations , intensified attention to the quest for recognition not to mention increased investment home.
The meeting was closed by the Deputy Chairman of the SSE General Umbrella and concluded with an agreement and cooperation to be intensified, with a series of meetings scheduled between the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Somaliland Diaspora in the Continent.

President Bihi addressed various USA institutions on the irrevocability of the Somaliland sovereign thence quest for International recognition

Conference Participants
Guest of Honour
Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation , Republic of Somaliland
Hon. Dr Isse Kayd Mohamoud
Chairman and Board of Trustees (SSE)
Chairman of the Somaliland Societies In Europe (SSE) -Mrs. Noura Ali Dhuhul
Deputy Chairman (SSE) – Ahmed Hassan Barkhad
Executive Committee Member – Awil Farah Arab – Executive Committee Member – Said Yusuf Osman Awsle
Former Chairman of SSE – Abdullahi Ahmed Xeef
Chairpersons of European Communities
Chairman of Somaliland Diaspora UK – Safiya Berberaawi
Somaliland Diaspora UK – Birmingham Rep – Abdirahman Mohamed
Chairman of Brand Somaliland – Abdirahman Mohamed
Chairman of the Irish Community – Abdullahi Dirir
Chairman of the Dutch Community – Amb. Mohamoud Abdalle Digale
Chairman of NOMAD – Abdirahman Bare Osdmaan
Chairman of the German Community – Hanad Abdullahi Abdi
Chairman of the Swedish Diaspora – Mustafa Ismail
Chairman of the Italian Community – Khadar Saleebaan Bire
Chairman of the Finnish Diaspora – Mohamed Abdullahi
Chairman of the Austrian Community – Saeed Yusuf Osman Awsle
Somaliland Guul…
Executive Committee of the European Union, Somaliland Societies


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