We shall Use an Iron-fist against Armed Law breakers, Police Chief


Warns police commissioner Brigadier Fadal as one is killed during a confrontation between police and armed clansmen in Hargeisa Hargeisa (THT) – Law enforcement agencies have been ordered to utilize maximum force when dealing with armed and law breaking citizens The order was issued by the Somaliland police commissioner Brigadier Fadal Abdilahi Iman in Hargeisa where he revealed that 7 people were arrested during an operation in the Masala area in the capital city. “Following a shout out between police and an armed group of certain
clan in Hargeisa 7 persons were arrested, one killed and four AK47 rifles and 4X4 vehicles confiscated” said Brig Fadal According to journalist Mustafa Janale of www.hayaannews.net the operation ensuing with the arrests and death occurred after a group of clansmen of a Hargeisa-Djibouti axis tycoon converged at a house in Masala estate armed to the death with intent to create mischief in the city. Last week a man was killed by the same clansmen after he opposed designs on his plot of land by the said tycoon, resulting in protest demonstrations by relatives after the state failed to take prompt action
Stating that it was foolhardy for one to fire at law enforcement officers who upon having their lives and duty of maintaining security threatened will natural respond in kind, the police commissioner warned that any group of people or individual found armed will face he full wrath of law. “The police are here to protect law and order and that is exactly what shall be done without fear or favour” warned Brigadier Abdilahi Iman Fadal. In conclusion the police chief who declared a Zero tolerance on any armed groups or clans in the country promised to divulge more information on the Masala saga once investigations is complete


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