Address pasturelands and water scarcity issues seriously


We have to emphasize support where they are due.
If it could be remembered, this column’s annual
resolution on the eve of the 2011 New Year was an
appeal to the government to prioritize water issues.
Almost five years down the lane we are happy to
witness major water projects that have since been
initiated, implemented and others being in the pipelines.
Of note, then, was issues that we had underpinned
concerning the constructions of major water
catchments to, more than anything, become
sources of water for man and livestock across the
Perhaps the rampant vast fencing off of
pasturelands could not have reached the present
levels if a policy was formulated, embarked on and
implement as early as 2011-2012.
Whatever the case, going by the saying better late
than never, we whole heartedly support to the hilt
KULMIYE chairman’s advices on the issue. From the
east he has come with evidence that water scarcity
has worsened, desertification too is quite serious
and that pasturelands are unavailable due to illegal
fencing perpetrated widely.
He notably talked of the need to preserve water
through catchments. We support him fully.
He pointed out that he would tell all- the government,
the press media, students, the old, the young- practically
everyone- on the need to work jointly for
good causes for the betterment of the people and
nation of SL, especially fighting against vices.
We support him again echoing his words.
Politicians shouldn’t render folks asunder
On the other hand, it is true that the elections are
going to be held after the 26th of June.
In his speech, the President was clear in his speech
to both houses of the National Assemblies Parliament
that the state will in good faith, address issues
through dialogues where necessary, which it welcomes.
That much said, we decry the tendency hyped to
make mountains out of molehills hence create a
scenario that things are asunder.
We believe that, whatever means that has to be used,
the minor issues of the timing would be dealt with
hence disposed of in our hallmark tradition of conciliations
and conciliatory dialogues.
We are against anyone who would want to put uncalled
for wedges between the common folks for
their selfish and egotist reasons.
No Somalilanders should accept anything from anyone
who would want to rip us apart.
In the same breath, we call upon the media fraternity,
responsible members of the community, stake
holding institutions, eminent and official personalities
with indebted expectations, the young, the old
and sundry and the government (all arms)- at the
fore-front, to work together in concerted efforts
hence help SL step ahead boldly and humbly
amongst the community of nations as deserved


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