Ceremony marking the 30thAnniversary of SNM Martyrs Day


A well-attended ceremony was today held at the freedom grounds marking the 30TH Anniversary of the founding Somali National Movement in 17th of October, 1982.

The Chairman of Sooyaal Mr. Hassan Abdi Mohamed addressing those attending the ceremony today said, “On this day all those who fought in the liberation war remember their fallen comrades of whom gave their lives in the thousands and the thousands of others were maimed in a bid order to liberated the country from the bloody forces of the late Gen. Said Barres forces that their blood was not spilled in vain. “The people of Somaliland today enjoy the sweet fruits of freedom our success and with our limited resources and the hard work of our people, no one can stand against the wishes of the people, but we have to realize that in order to continue in our path, we should emulate those who before us who sacrificed everything for our freedom”,Mr. Mr. Hassan Abdi Mohamed.

Among other dignitaries attending the event to commemorate the 30th3 Anniversary of the founding Somali National Movement in 17th of October, 1982. Famous Somali Folk female folk singer popularly Known as SahraIlays sang a song in tribute to fallen Heroes “Madaxwayne Mar uunSooEegMujaahidiinta”


By Goth Mohamed Goth


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